Payment information

To make online payments as secure as possible, we utilize the PayFast service as third party payment processor to manage all the payments on their portal. When you are redirected to their gateway, you will have 3 options as payment methods:

  • Credit Card
  • Instant EFT
  • Debit Cards

PayFast offers a well-established and highly secure (3D Secure) payment gateway. The “Checkout” button on the checkout page will redirect you to the payment portal. From there you can select your desired option to pay.

After completing the payment, you will automatically be redirected back to Vortex Crafts to view your order page. All notifications are instant, so there is no need to email proof of any payment.

To find out more about PayFast you can select the following link which will take you to the PayFast website:


Instant EFT

When selecting the EFT option from PayFast, you need to ensure that the reference number listed in the payment box is correctly entered on your banking portal as our reference. If it is not correct, the payment will still go through, but it will not be linked to your order, which will cause major headaches for everybody involved and delays in processing your order.

Debit Cards:

payD is a system which allows buyers to pay using ATM / Debit cards online (eg. Maestro Cards). It faciliates this through the use of your card and mobile phone during the payment process. It is only available to Vodacom & MTN subscribers who have cards from ABSA, Nedbank & Standard Bank.

While revolutionary, the system is not without its challenges. Please note all transaction details when using this method in case there is a problem with the payment.